Since its creation, APS has been committed to serving its customers efficiently and is adapted to everyone's needs. Whether for cleaning or for services, you will be fully taken care of.
Whatever your requirements, our approach is the same: we take care to recruit and train local staff at the highest level and adapt a more personal approach. We can provide your company with a healthy and hygienically flawless environment, which guarantees the brand image of your company and the well-being of your staff.
APS strives to innovate and equip its agents with the latest technologies and equipment. This approach guarantees not only the delivery of a high-quality complete cleaning and maintenance solution, but also its reputation as one of the number 1 companies in Brussels.
Currently employing over 250 agents in the field, what sets APS apart from other companies is that the managers are employed at an operational level. The directors actively participate in the management, supervision and execution of all projects contracted by the company. This commitment allows APS to integrate the philosophy and practices of its customers into its own operational objectives in order to maintain a long-term working relationship with its customers.
Our Services

OUR GUARANTEE: Clean and pleasant premises every day.
Entrust us with the maintenance and complete cleaning of your premises. You will benefit from clean spaces while controlling your costs without worrying about it. Living spaces highlighted by the intervention of our qualified maintenance agents.

Facility handyman
Facility handyman
Un ouvrier polyvalent disponible 7 jours sur 7 pour vos petits travaux de peinture,électricité, plomberie, construction !
APS cleaning dispose d'une équipe spéciale "Facility management" composé d'ouvriers polyvalents qualifiés & formés aux techniques de sécurité, qui assiste notre clientèle dans l’exécution de divers petits travaux ponctuels dont vous retrouvez la liste non-exhaustive dans notre catalogue ou en bas de page , notez qu'il est également possible d'organiser contractuellement un service de maintenance pour votre entreprise (journalier, hebdomadaire, mensuel) ou ponctuels en fonctions de vos besoins et ce pour des petits travaux électricité, plomberie, menuiserie, maçonnerie ou pour la réparation de matériels

Window cleaning
Window cleaning
OUR GUARANTEE: Clean and pleasant windows every day. OUR GUARANTEE: Clean and pleasant windows every day.
Entrust us with the care and maintenance of your windows.

Service vouchers
Service vouchers
Besoin d’une aide-ménagère ?
Bénéficier de prestations d’aide-ménagère, de lessive et de repassage, de préparations de repas, nettoyage de l’habitation et des vitres, petits travaux de coutures occasionnels,... et tout cela à des tarifs abordables et attractifs.
Contact us!
We are here to help you from Monday till Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
You can also call us on 02 242 93 00 for any request, information or an appointment.
In case of emergency you can reach us 7 days a week at the same number.